Time & Absence Entry Help and FAQs
- Get my W2
Your W2 will be mailed from the State Controller’s Office in late January of each year. Make sure your address is updated in PeopleSoft by December 1 of the prior year.
- Request a duplicate W2
If you need a duplicate copy of your W-2, you may request one by completing a Standard Form 436
- Your name
- Your Social Security Number
- Tax year requested
- Your mailing address
- A day time telephone number
- Your signature
More than one tax year may be requested; however, only four prior tax years are available.
Cost for Duplicate W-2
There is an $8.50 processing fee per tax year. For employees currently employed, payment for the duplicate Form W-2 must be made via payroll deduction and the appropriate option must be checked on the Form 436. The fee will be deducted from your next paycheck. For FERPS, rehired annuitants, student assistants and employees who are not currently employed, payment must be made via a money order or cashier's check made payable to the State Controller's Office. Personal checks are not accepted.
Where to Send Request
Please send the request and payment to the following address:
State Controller's Office
Personnel/Payroll Services Division
P.O.Box 942850
Sacramento, CA 94250-5878
ATTN: W-2 Unit
- Get my paycheck
A representative from your department will pick up checks on payday and distribute them to the employees. Check the main office in your department to understand how the distribution occurs.
- View my paycheck online
While your paycheck data can be viewed online, it is always advised to review the hard copy pay stub as well.
- Go to the View Paycheck page
- Click the link for the paycheck you wish to view
- View my compensation history
- Go to the Compensation History page
- Click the date link to see more details on each entry
- Enroll in direct deposit
Complete the Direct Deposit Enrollment Authorization [DocuSign]
- Change my deductions
Complete an Employee Action Request [DocuSign]
- Request an IRP
To request an in-range progression, complete the Compensation Review Request [docx] or Compensation Review Request [DocuSign]
and follow the guidelines outlined.
- Employees in Unit 4 (APC) may submit the request directly to the Class/Comp Unit in University Personnel.
- All other eligible employees must submit the form to their Appropriate Administrator first.
- Request a reclassification
It is always advisable to speak with your Appropriate Administrator about classification and compensation. To request a review your classification, complete the Classification Review Request [docx] or Classification Review Request [DocuSign]
and follow the guidelines outlined.
- Employees in Unit 4 (APC) may submit the request directly to the Class/Comp Unit in University Personnel.
- Employees in Units 2, 5, 7 & 9 (CSUEU) must submit the request to their Appropriate Administrator and the Class/Comp Unit in University Personnel at the same time.
- All other employees must submit the form to their Appropriate Administrator first.
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work System Access
Time and Absence System Entry
- View my absence balance
- Go to the Employee Balance Inquiry page
- Sick, Vacation and Personal Holiday display
- Click the Compensatory Time tab to view comp time
- Click the State Service for Absence tab to view your state service
- Request to use my vacation
- Represented employees should consult the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement for guidelines. All employees should consult with their Appropriate Administrator to determine what the process is to request vacation in their department.
- Enter my absences
Absences must be entered and approved by 5pm on the first working day of the following period. You are strongly encouraged to enter your absences as they occur rather than waiting until the end of the pay period.
- Go to the Report and View Absences page
- The current pay period defaults
- Select the type of absences in the Absences Name field (Please note: For absence types
Sick-Bereavement and Sick-Family Care, you will be required to Add Comments.
- To report full day:
- Select the Begin and End Dates; you may span a weekend, as the system will only count the days you are actually scheduled to work
- To report a partial day:
- Select the Begin Date and make the End Date the same
- Select Partial Hours in the Partial Days field
- Enter the hours/minutes for the day; round according to the Personnel/Payroll information Management System Conversion Chart
- To report full day:
- To report additional absences, click the plus button to insert a new row
- Click Calculate Direction to view total hours taken
- Click Submit
- Enter my hourly time (Students and Hourly employees)
Please enter time as you work rather than waiting until the end of the pay period. Once the pay period ends, you will not have access to enter hours.
- Go to the Timesheet page
- The current week defaults
- Select View By Time Period to see the entire pay period
- Enter the number of hours worked each day; ensure there is only one number after the decimal point (e.g. .3, .4, .5; not .25) See conversion chart
- Click Submit
- Enter my OT and Shift hours
Remember, all overtime must be approved by your appropriate administrator PRIOR to being worked.
- Go to the Timesheet page
- The current week defaults
- Select View By Time Period to see the entire pay period
- Enter the number of hours worked each day; ensure there is only one number after the decimal point (e.g. .3, .4, .5; not .25) See conversion chart
- Select the Time Reporting Code for your OT and/or Shift time
- If OT and Shift are worked on the same day, enter the hours on two separate lines
- Click the comments icon to add a reason for all overtime hours entered
- Click Submit
For additional guidance, see Self-Service Entry of OT and Shift Hours [pdf]
- Enter my CTO Earned Hours
Remember, all overtime must be approved by your appropriate administrator PRIOR to being worked.
- Go to the Enter My Absences page
- The current pay period defaults
- Select the applicable Absence Name:
- CTO Premium Earn (for hours worked above 40 in a week)
- CTO Straight Earn (for callback time and other applicable entries - contact your Payroll Representative for more information)
- Select the Begin and End Dates for the hours
- Enter the total overtime hours worked per day
- Please note, if the hours worked were different on different days, each entry must be done on a separate line
- Click the comments link to add a reason for all overtime hours entered
- Click Submit
For additional guidance, see Self-Service Entry of CTO Earned Hours [pdf]
- Campus Overview for OT & Shift Entry/Approval
Quick Links to Enter Time and Absences
- Enter My Absences (system login)
- Enter My Time (system login) (hourly employees only)
- View My Absence Balances (system login)
Quick Steps
- Time Entry Guide for Student Assistants [pdf]
- User Guide - Self Service Entry of CTO Earned Hours [pdf]
- User Guide - Self Service Entry of OT and Shift Hours [pdf]
For additional information contact your payroll representative.