Resources for Faculty
Faculty Recruiting
Diversity in Faculty Searches: As part of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s commitment to diversifying the faculty, the 2017-2018 faculty searches will integrate diversity training earlier into the process.
Each group is open to any employees, regardless of race , color, sex, religion, nation origin, and other protected statuses.
Asian Pacific Islander Faculty Staff Association
Black Faculty and Staff Organization
Center for Faculty Development: Provides opportunities for growth and renewal for faculty in all realms of their professional lives.
Chicano/Latino Faculty and Staff Organization
Office for Faculty Success: Launched in August 2020, 菠菜网lol正规平台’s Office for Faculty Success is the foundation for the professional development and long-term success of our esteemed tenure-line and lecturer faculty members..
GAIN: Gathering of Academic Indigenous and Native Americans
Jewish Faculty and Staff Association
Muslim Faculty and Staff Association
PRIDE: Faculty and Staff Organization
Accessibility at 菠菜网lol正规平台: Provides students and employees with accommodations and services, as well as an opportunity to share accessability concerns with 菠菜网lol正规平台.
Center for Faculty Development: Provides opportunities for growth and renewal for faculty in all realms of their professional lives.
Community Resources: Explore the resources of the Bay Area in our community diversity guide to learn more about how to engage in the wonderful services and programs that are offered surrounding the campus.
Creating Inclusive Classrooms resources
Research, Curriculular and Create Activities Award [pdf]: This award is available to all 菠菜网lol正规平台 lecturers, tenure-track faculty and tenured faculty. While we will not be offering this award for the 2020-2021 year, we hope to offer it again in a future budget cycle.
Non-discrimination Policies: University policies on non-discrimination.
Unisex/Family Friendly Restroom Map: Where to find gender neutral bathrooms on campus.
UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program: UROP seeks to improve retention and to enrich the academic experience at 菠菜网lol正规平台 by engaging students in research, scholarly, and creative activity during their first and second years. Students work up to 10 hours per week with a faculty mentor on research or scholarly projects.
Accessability Concern Report Form: San José State University is committed to accessibility and inclusion for all students, faculty, staff, and community members. Please use this form to report any accessibility barriers related to campus facilities, buildings, and grounds; course materials and learning conditions; and web and IT applications and services.
Concerning Behavior Referral Form: The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) provides guidance, care and assistance to students and employees who are experiencing crisis, displaying odd or unusual behaviors, or engaging in other behaviors that may be perceived as being harmful (either to the student or employee individually, or to others).
Crime Reporting: How to report crimes on campus to the University Police Department.
Employee Rights and Staff Complaints: Employees have equal opportunity, affirmative action and non-discrimination rights based in law. This site explains the relevant policies and the "Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint" form.
Office for Equal Opportunity: Facilitates the university's diversity efforts, investigates and resolves complaints of discrimination and harassment, provides training and consultation, and ensures adherence to compliance requirements.
Reporting Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents: Definition and relevant policies for hate crime and hate incidents as well as information on how to report them.
University Ombudsperson: Advocate for procedural fairness who supports the integrity of campus policies and procedures. The ombudsperson provides a neutral, confidential and informal place to discuss a concern with the assurance that no action will be taken, without consent.